
If you become aware that a crime may have occurred, you should report it, whether or not you are certain what happened.

  • For criminal offenses, contact UCPD (or local law enforcement if the incident occurred off UC property).
  • If you are a Campus Security Authory (CSA) and learn about a crime that falls under the Clery Act, you are required to submit a Clery report. Read more at the campus Clery website.
    • (If you are a CSA, you will have been assigned training. To complete or review your assigned CSA training, go to the UC Learning Center and search on "Clery".)
  • If the crime includes conduct that is prohibited under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment (SVSH), then as a Responsible Employee, you need to make a report to the Office for the Prevention of Harassment or Discrimination. You can read more about being a Responsible Employee on the SVSH "hub" website
    • (To complete or review your assigned SVSH training, go to the UC Learning Center and search on "Sexual Harassment".)
  • Most academic leaders are not mandated reporters under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA); but regardless, you should know how to submit a CANRA report if you learn of harm experienced by a minor child. You can read more about CANRA and mandatory reporting on the SVSH "hub" website.
  • If you're not sure whether a situation is within the law, you can (also) submit a Whistleblower report.

Your job is to report what you have learned, not to investigate or punish. The campus has resources that can do intake and, if appropriate, investigation, once you make your report.

Offer support.

  • Members of your community may be struggling as a result of having experienced a crime. You can refer them to supportive campus services. The "lllness, crises, hardship" section of this toolkit provides fuller detail about campus resources for particular needs.

Consult, if you have questions.

If you are concerned that someone in your unit may have broken a law, or wondering whether a proposed activity is legal, and you want a consultation, you can also contact the Office of Legal Affairs.